Hampton Roads Ranked 9th Most Profitable Market for Home Flipping

Hello Hampton Roads,

Yesterday's Virginian Pilot had an article calling Hampton Roads the 9th most profitable region for home flipping.
In the first half of 2013 a little over 540 single family homes were flipped for an average profit of $26, 565 with an average purchase price discount of 12%.  This information is based on Realtytrac's home flipping report which also showed that of the metro markets surveyed throughout the country, the average gross profit made by investors is $18,391.

To view the top 15 most profitable markets, see the image below:

If you are interested in real estate investing and would like some help getting started, please feel free to contact me!

Thanks for Reading,

Serving your Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach Real Estate needs. Liz Schuyler on Google+


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